Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The joys of children

Elijah in his new car.

Life is going well here. The weather is becomming nicer which is making running a lot easier. I have a new running partner : Hannah. She has ran with me at the end of my runs on 2 occasions and is hooked. We decided to sign her up for the kids 400m at Disneyworld and she is very excited.

I have officially reached my minimum fundraising amount of $600. Thank you to all that have donated to the cause!!! Now I am just going above and beyond raise as much as I can for AT reasearch.

Iw rote an artice for the CT Emergency Nurses Assoiciation which I hope will be published in their newsletter.

1 comment:

5 little greenbeans said...

isn't life grand?
i love being a mother!
woo-hoo on the article, AND reaching your goal!
you go girl.
i'd love to see your article!