Monday, February 11, 2008

Casting is complete

David and I took Elijah to his casting appointment last week. I would have posted earlier but blogger's uploading service was down.
Anyways, he did very well. He wasn't really phased until the very end of the procedure when I think he didn't want to sit up any longer. His DOC band should arrive in about 10-14 days. He will wear it 23 hours a day for 8-10 weeks.

I have also survived my first week on the night shift. It is an adjustment but again has been easier than expected. Since I only work 12 hour shifts, I only have to work 3 nights a week which is nice. It is a little harder, less resources, including nurses, dr's x ray technicians etc.

Lastly, David and I have started Weight Watchers. They actually started a program at my work. I got all of the materials and Dave is using them along with me. So far, so good. No cheating hear!! My weigh in is on Weds.

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